GDPR Compliance
Date of Last Revision: June 10, 2022
01 / What is the GDPR?
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new EU Regulation which replaces the
1995 EU Data
Protection Directive (DPD) to significantly enhance the protection of the personal data of EU citizens and
increase the obligations on organizations who collect or process personal data.
It will come into force on May 25, 2018, but it builds on many of the 1995 Directive’s requirements for data
privacy and security, but includes several new provisions to bolster the rights of data subjects and add
harsher penalties for violations. The full text of the GDPR can be found here.
02 / Who Does the GDPR Apply To?
While the current EU legislation (the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive) governs
entities within the EU, the territorial scope of the GDPR is far wider in that it will also apply to non-EU
businesses who a) market their products to people in the EU or who b) monitor the behavior of people in the
In other words, even if you’re based outside of the EU but you control or process the data of EU citizens,
the GDPR will apply to you. Since every business is different and the GDPR takes a risk-based approach to
data protection, companies should work to assess their own data collection and storage practices, seek their
own legal advice to ensure that their business practices comply with the GDPR.
03 / How Does Helioz Technologies Comply With the GDPR?
Helioz Technologies complies with GDPR via its Privacy Policy found within its Website
Terms and Conditions, its Website Terms and Conditions as well as the behavior of its website. Helioz
Technologies does not offer services that require registration by visitors to our website(s).
We display cookie notifications and notify website visitors that they must opt-in when registering to
receive information from Helioz Technologies. For opt-in participants, we provide a process for updates,
review and deletion of such personal data.
We display a cookie notification alerting potential visitors to our website that by using our website, users
are consenting to the use of cookies. The notification is shown below:
This website stores cookies on your computer. These cookies are used to collect information about how you
interact with our website and allow us to remember you. We use this information in order to improve and
customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and
other media. Please note that by using this site you are consenting to the use of cookies. To learn more,
see the "GDPR Compliance" and "Website Terms and Conditions" links at the bottom of our website.
04 / How Does Helioz Technologies Collect User Consent?
If you visit our website and register in response to a marketing promotion or to
request additional information, we will ask you to share information such as your name, company name, email
address etc. In such cases, we will display an opt-in notification to gather your consent to collect this
The Helioz Technologies website Privacy Policy clearly defines Users' right to access, modify and delete
their personal data stored by Helioz Technologies.
05 / What About Helioz Technologies Unsubscribe Policy?
Helioz Technologies has a strict unsubscribe policy: on each email campaign sent by Helioz Technologies, recipients have a clearly visible unsubscribe link and they can decide to unsubscribe for this campaign only or for all campaigns, in one single click.
06 / Does Helioz Technologies Share User Data?
07 / How is Website Registration Personal Data Stored and Protected?
Website registrant data is stored on Helioz Technologies' HubSpot CRM portal, access to which is password protected.
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